
Dump Green Policy, stand behind President

To the editor:

Did you see the “sundogs,” as I call them, in the east at sunrise in our cold, cold weather? What an expressive sight! I feel sorry for the people that missed seeing this dazzling, atmospheric, display of light.

On Feb. 12, Lyndon LaRouche, philosopher, scientist, poet, statesman, economist, died at the age of 96. It was Lincoln’s birthday, an American president Lyndon LaRouche loved and celebrated in his writings.

What a loss for humanity. He spoke at a conference in 1988, in the midst of a political prosecution similar in striking respects to that which we encounter against an American president in the U.S. today. He said if we think of our lives not as things which are lived for pleasure in and of themselves, but as an opportunity to fulfill a purpose, a purpose which is reflected in what we bequeath to those hundreds of billions of souls waiting to be born.

The joy of life which unites us gives a sense of true importance of our lives.

The love uniting the historical families is the practical expression of faith from which the strength to fight and win come from, to save the cause of salvation of souls.

Mankind has to dump the Green policy. (U.S. Rep. Alexandria) Ocasio-Cortez and the other greenies in the U.S. Congress want us to go backward. But there is no going backward. We prosper or we die.

Scientific intelligence, the ability to create, the ability to generate higher energy — flex densities per capita and per square kilometer of territory — these are the standards on which credit is generated. It’s to increase the population of the planet because we need more work done, they have a purpose in existing because they can become more productive and man’s ability to cope with problems increase. That will end the reign of poverty and backwardness of centuries of policies by the British Empire.

Let us stand behind our President and the forward policies of Lyndon LaRouche, like the space program and a national bank.

Leona Thooft


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