
Black History Month events at SMSU

Southwest Minnesota State University will observe Black History Month with a series of events that include a documentary film, a poetry reading, and a featured speaker.

Wednesday, Feb. 12, 7-9 p.m., SMSU Lower Conference Center, “The Brothers of Rondo” Film

Features the impact of the I-94 construction on the Rondo Neighborhood of Minneapolis and the social justice activists who fought to save their community and way of life. There will be a panel discussion following the film. Light refreshments will be provided.

If you are not able to join in person, you can register to watch “The Brothers of Rondo” Film via Zoom here: https://minnstate.zoom.us/meeting/register/GYCD-c–RMagmr4xkztoxw

Tuesday, Feb. 18, 6:30-8 p.m., SMSU Whipple Art Gallery, poetry reading with Cassie J. Williams, SMSU alumna

Cassie J. Williams ’07/’16 is a writer, educator, and passionate advocate for social justice. As an artist and performer, she shares her voice on local and national stages, using poetry as a tool for connection and social change.

Thursday, Feb. 27, 4:30-6 p.m., SMSU Lower Conference Center, keynote presentation with Dr. Michael V. Walker, SMSU alumnus

Dr. Michael V. Walker ’98 is a K-12 educator, DEI scholar, and the director of the Office of Black Student Achievement for Minneapolis Public Schools. While his primary focus is on Minneapolis schools, he also addresses the disparities state and nationwide with a career focus on youth development and assisting black youth to achieve success.

All events are free and open to the public.

Service opportunities are also available through Feb. 28. The organizations with available volunteer projects include:

United Community Action Partnership has opportunities to support the Food Shelf locations in Marshall, Tracy, Westbrook with food rescue, shopping, and truck deliveries. Contact Nicole Knobloch at nikki.knobloch@unitedcapmn.org 507-537-1416 ext. 1327

UCAP’s Free Tax Clinic, locations vary. Contact Michelle Jensen at michelle.j@unitedcampmn.org to volunteer. A CPA is required for volunteers who prepare tax returns.

SMSU’s Mustang Market, on campus, Marshall. Flexible volunteer opportunities. Contact Joyce Tofte at joyce.tofte@smsu.edu or 507-537-7252. The Mustang Market also accepts donations. Financial donations can be made by visiting www.SMSUFoundation.org and selecting “Mustang Market (Food Pantry)” to designate your gift.

Lyon County Historical Society Museum is seeking volunteers to helps with storage room organization and moving. To sign-up, contact Jennifer Andries at director@lyoncomuseum.org or call 507-537-6580.

Questions can be directed to Dr. Erin Kline, assistant vice president for Equity & Inclusion/Campus Diversity Officer at erin.kline@SMSU.edu or 507-537-6657.

For the full details on the events at SMSU visit https://www.smsu.edu/administration/diversityinclusion/black-history-month.html

Starting at $4.38/week.

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