
New wind project proposed in Lyon County

NextEra Energy holds open house in Marshall

Members of the public looked at a map outlining part of Lyon County where a 200-megawatt wind energy project is being proposed. On Wednesday, NextEra Energy Resources held an open house meeting in Marshall to answer questions about the proposed project.

MARSHALL — A proposed wind energy project in Lyon County could generate about 200 megawatts of electricity, representatives of NextEra Energy Resources said this week. NextEra staff held an open house-style meeting Wednesday at the Marshall Golf Club to answer questions from the public.

“We’re still in the very early stages,” said Madisen Scotese, project manager development for NextEra Energy Resources. The proposed Cotton River wind energy project will need to secure land, complete environmental and other studies, and go through permitting processes.

NextEra already has a presence in southwest Minnesota. The company built a solar project east of Marshall in Lyon County, as well as the 105.5-megawatt Buffalo Ridge wind energy project in Lincoln County and a 108.8-megawatt wind project in Rock County.

Scotese said NextEra is now looking at Lyon County for a wind project for a couple of reasons.

“Southwest Minnesota has a lot of good (wind) resource,” she said. Lyon County is also where Xcel Energy is planning to bring a new transmission line to connect to renewable energy sources.

Earlier this spring, Xcel Energy held its own open house in Marshall to talk about plans for a 345-kilovolt transmission line running from Becker to a new substation in Lyon County. The study area for the new substation covered much of the county south of Marshall.

NextEra has been in the area looking at the viability of a wind energy project, as well as looking for landowners who might be interested in being part of the project, Scotese said. NextEra held an event for area landowners in October, and so far they have had some interest, she said. She said NextEra has also attended a few township meetings.

NextEra’s goal is to develop a 200-megawatt wind project, Scotese said. At this point, NextEra representatives didn’t have specific information as to the number or placement of wind turbines that might be part of the project. Scotese and NextEra communications manager Sara Cassidy said that would be determined by the amount of land available for the project, and other factors in the siting and development process.

A map of the area being considered for the Cotton River wind project was on display at the open house. It covered part of the southern half of Lyon County.

NextEra’s website for the Cotton River wind project said the it would feature up to 63 wind turbines to generate about 200 megawatts of energy. Subject to state and local approval, the project could begin operations in 2025, the website said.

Scotese said NextEra hoped to hold additional opportunities for the public to learn about the proposed wind project, including possibly being at the Lyon County Fair this summer.

Cassidy and Scotese said more information about the Cotton River wind project is available online at https://www.nexteraenergyresources.com/cotton-river-wind.html. NextEra also has an office in Marshall, at 800 East Main Street, they said.

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