
Nurse of the Year ‘sees the whole picture’ of her role

Coequyt is director of health services at Heritage Pointe Senior Living

Photo courtesy of Nicole Coequyt Nicole Coequyt, health services director at Heritage Pointe Senior Living, received the Nurse of the Year award from Care Providers of Minnesota this month.

MARSHALL — News that she was being honored for her nursing work came as a complete surprise to Nicole Coequyt.

“I had no clue at all,” said Coequyt, director of health services at Heritage Pointe Senior Living in Marshall. “I’m humbled by even getting a nomination.”

This month, Care Providers of Minnesota presented Coequyt with their Nurse of the Year award at a statewide senior care convention in Minneapolis. In a news release, Care Providers of Minnesota said the Nurse of the Year award recognizes an individual displaying extraordinary nursing skills in caring for residents at a care facility.

“Nicole was selected as this year’s recipient because she sees the full picture of what her role entails,” Care Providers of Minnesota said in a news release. Coequyt not only worked to keep health care to a high standard at Heritage Pointe, she showed supportive leadership to staff, and spent extra time with residents who might need emotional support.

“Whether it’s administering medications, coordinating care plans, or responding to emergencies, she approaches each task with professionalism and proficiency, earning the trust and respect of residents and colleagues,” Care Providers of Minnesota said.

Care Providers of Minnesota is a nonprofit association with more than 1,000 member organizations across the state. Members of Care Providers of Minnesota include both nonprofit and for-profit organizations providing a range of care services and support.

Coequyt has worked at Heritage Pointe since 2018. She said nursing was something she had always been interested in.

“I always kind of had a caregiving role, before going to nursing school,” Coequyt said. Coequyt was a child care provider for six years, and later pursued nursing when her children were old enough to attend school.

“I always wanted to be a nurse,” she said.

Over the course of Coequyt’s nursing career, she had a chance to work at Heritage Pointe, and at Sanford Canby Medical Center. Working with residents and staff at Heritage Pointe was something she found fulfilling.

“I just find you learn a lot from elderly people. They have a lot of wisdom and knowledge to share,” she said.

As health services director, Coequyt works with the Heritage Pointe team to coordinate residents’ health care. She said she also enjoys being able to connect with Heritage Pointe residents.

In receiving the Nurse of the Year award, Coequyt said she was thankful for the guidance and support of her Heritage Pointe team members.

“I have to give a lot of thanks to Sara (Dolan), my director.” Coequyt said.

Coequyt said she also wanted to thank her family and her fiance.

Being able to provide high-quality care is especially important in a rural area, where there are fewer options for seniors, Coequyt said. Having good support helps make it possible for area residents to age in place.

“I think that makes a difference,” she said.


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