Marshall man cited for out-of-control fire
Firefighters put out grass fire near Marshall Wednesday night
MARSHALL — A Marshall resident was cited after a trash fire got out of control Wednesday night, the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office said.
There were no injuries in the fire, and no damage to buildings was reported, Marshall Fire Chief Quentin Brunsvold said. However, the person who started the fire did not have a burn permit, Sheriff Eric Wallen said. Brunsvold said the fire was also unattended before it got out of control.
The fire was reported around 8 p.m., at a residence on the 2900 block of U.S. Highway 59. Brunsvold said a property owner had ignited materials like cardboard to dispose of them. The fire got out of control due to dry conditions and wind, Brunsvold said.
Both the Marshall and Ghent Fire Departments were called out to the fire. Brunsvold said a call went out to the Cottonwood Fire Department, but the third fire department ended up not being needed.
“Our main focus was to try to protect homes,” Brunsvold said of the fire response.
Brunsvold said the fire got into an area of tall grass near the MERIT Center driving track on Lyon County Road 33, and also spread to a plowed field, which helped act as a natural fire break. The flames also went through a farm grove, but did not damage any buildings. The fire did not reach the driving track, Brunsvold said.
Wallen said the person who started the fire was cited for failure to properly extinguish the fire. Lyon County Sheriff’s Office incident reports from Wednesday said a 48-year-old Marshall man received the citation.