More trees to come down
City, MnDOT crews working on separate projects

Photo by Deb Gau Workers from the Marshall street department cut up and remove trees along the right-of-way on North Fifth Street Tuesday.
MARSHALL — Drivers in Marshall will need to be on the lookout for tree removal work going on this week.
Both the Minnesota Department of Transportation and the city of Marshall will be taking down trees in different parts of town, as part of separate projects.
This week, MnDOT said that tree removals along parts of College Drive are planned to begin on Wednesday. The city of Marshall also said its street department will be doing tree maintenance along West Lyon Street on Thursday.
Lyon Street will be closed between North Fifth and North Sixth Streets that day.
On Monday, MnDOT posted a social media announcement saying that motorists should be alert for tree cutting crews along Highway 19 (College Drive) in Marshall. Clearing trees along portions of College Drive is part of the preparations for major street reconstructions planned this summer. The first phase of reconstruction and sidewalk improvements is planned to begin in May, MnDOT said.
While the reconstruction is planned to take more than one year, tree clearing will be done along the whole project route. Tree cutting crews could be at work in areas along College Drive from Marlene Street to Bruce Street. MnDOT said shoulder and lane closures may be possible, and flaggers may be present.
Drivers should slow down on College Drive and be alert for workers and heavy equipment, MnDOT said. Tree removals are scheduled to be completed by March 31.
At the same time that MnDOT is clearing trees along parts of College Drive, the city of Marshall’s street department will be continuing with tree maintenance and removal. City crews removed some trees along the rightof way on North Fifth Street on Tuesday, and will continue on one block of West Lyon Street on Thursday.
West Lyon Street will be closed between North Fifth Street and North Sixth Street from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Vehicles are recommended to be parked on nearby streets during that time, the city said.
The trees being removed by the Marshall street department include trees that are dead, in need of maintenance or that are damaged by emerald ash borer.