Broadmoor Valley closure hearing set for May
MARSHALL — The city of Marshall will be moving ahead with a hearing about the planned closure of the Broadmoor Valley mobile home park. After Broadmoor owners announced their intent to close the park next spring, Marshall City Council members acted to set a hearing date for residents on May 7.
“We did receive an updated notice of closure on February 18,” said Marshall City Attorney Pam Whitmore.
Under Minnesota laws, the city is now responsible for holding a hearing as part of the closure process.
“That hearing allows the public to express their concerns. It also tasks the council to not only hold the hearing, but to also appoint third-party arbiters who will be hearing the concerns of the public and making some decisions, with respect to housing funds that are provided through the state,” Whitmore said.
Council members voted to set the hearing for 5:30 p.m. on May 7 in the Marshall Middle School auditorium.
A group of people including, Broadmoor Valley residents, employees and owner Paul Schierholz were present at Tuesday’s council meeting. However, discussion at the meeting was not opened up to the audience.
Marshall Mayor Bob Byrnes said members of the public would be allowed to speak at the hearing.
Broadmoor owners had previously given the city a notice of intent to close the mobile home park in December 2025. However, the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office said that first notice was not valid because it did not meet state requirements.
At a February council meeting, Marshall City Administrator Sharon Hanson and City Attorney Pam Whitmore said it looked like the new closure notice, stating intent to close Broadmoor Valley in March 2026 was valid.
There is currently an ongoing lawsuit against Broadmoor Valley owners Schierholz and Associates, although there have not been any hearings scheduled in the case yet. The Minnesota Housing Finance Agency sued Schierholz and Associates in February. The lawsuit alleges that by announcing plans to close Broadmoor Valley, the owners broke the conditions of a 2022 grant agreement where they were awarded $500,000 to help improve infrastructure at the mobile home park..
Part of the grant agreement conditions included that Broadmoor Valley would continue to be operated as a manufactured home community for 25 years.