‘Music City’ on ice
Figure skaters hold annual show in Marshall

Guest skater Abigail Ingham doffed her cowboy hat during her performance at the annual figure skating show in Marshall on Saturday. The show, titled “Skating Through Music City,” had a country music theme.
MARSHALL — Showtime was still an hour away, but the Red Baron Arena and Expo was bustling with figure skaters getting ready to take the ice.
Hadli Nelson and Jaeda Nelson said they were feeling a little nervous about performing in “Skating Through Music City.” However, being involved in figure skating was worth it, they said.
“I like the people. You get to meet people from all over,” Jaeda Nelson said.
On Saturday, the Southwest Figure Skating Club and Marshall Community Services held their annual skating show. “We have some really fun things in store,” show director Jodi Schreurs said, as she helped prep for the show Saturday morning.
More than 40 participants, including youth skaters, coaches, and family and friends performed in the program. The chance to get more people involved with the show was part of what made it fun, said skater Evea Powers.
“During competitions, we’re always doing our own thing,” Powers said. “It’s always more fun to have your friends and family around.”
Schreurs said there were some firsts for this year’s show. It was the first time the skating show had used country music for a theme. “I try to find recognizable songs, to engage with the audience,” Schreurs said.
For the first time, skating coaches also performed their own routine on the ice.
“That was a fun thing to learn,” Schreurs said. “We’ve all been keeping up pretty well.”
Schreurs said part of what made the annual skating show special was getting to see young skaters from Marshall Community Services Learn to Skate classes, as well as Southwest Figure Skating Club members.
“They get an excitement and an interest about it,” she said. It was also fun to get a chance to see guest skater Abigail Ingham, of the Sioux Falls Figure Skating Club, take to the ice. “That’s fun for the girls to see,” Schreurs said.
Skaters said they had put a lot of work into their routines for the show. Dress rehearsal went late into the night, Jaeda and Hadli Nelson said.
The girls all liked different parts of the show. “The opening is really fun,” Jaeda Nelson said. The first number, set to Alabama’s “Mountain Music,” brought all the figure skating club members together.
“My favorite part is probably when we have to lay down on the ice,” Hadli Nelson said.
Powers said her solo routine was special for her.
“My song is ‘Cowboy Take Me Away.’ I grew up listening to that song,” she said. It made it more meaningful to skate to the song as a solo.
As a junior, Powers said this year’s show was her second-to-last. It was tough to think about, after growing up together with fellow skaters. “These girls are like my sisters,” she said.