
School board honors March Tiger Spotlight students

Photo by Samantha Davis. (Left to right) Elizabeth Hasty, Jax Wurscher, Ahnya Schlenner, Powerful Pau and Mu Paw Wah stand together to take a photo with their Tiger Spotlight achievement certifications at Monday night’s school board meeting.

MARSHALL — The Marshall school board recognized its five students for the March session of Tiger Spotlight at Monday night’s meeting. The honor is nominated by teachers and school faculty, and commends a student’s strong work ethic and good character.

For Park Side Elementary, Emily Hoppe nominated Elizabeth Hasty.

“She (Hasty) has worked so hard this year on improving both her reading and writing skills. Ellie takes her time in her writing to ensure she is forming her letters correctly, adding spaces between her words, using the handwriting lines and stretching the sounds in each word to do her best,” Hoppe said in a presentation given to the board. “She focuses on her illustrations to go with her writing and is so proud of her work each day. She is always wanting to share the great things she has been doing. Ellie is determined to do her best work each and every day.”

Melissa Speakman recognized Mu Paw Wah as Southview’s spotlight student.

“Mu Paw is a shining example of positivity, determination and kindness. She has embraced every challenge with an unwavering smile and a strong desire to learn. Her positivity is contagious, and her enthusiasm brings joy to everyone around her,” Speakman said. “Mu Paw’s academic growth has been remarkable. She works hard and consistently strives to absorb new information and expand her knowledge. It’s inspiring to see her confidence grow alongside her skills, especially in her language development.”

Middle school student Jax Wurscher was chosen by teachers Chandler Link, Natalie Bohnert, Sorcha Vikter, Tamara Tolk and Amber Altheide.

“He is a super helpful student who consistently works hard to complete his work on time and to the best of his ability. His creativity and support for his classmates truly exemplify Tiger Pride,” the group said. “He is well-organized and holds himself accountable for any missed work when he is absent. His politeness and respect toward both staff and peers make him a joy to have in the classroom … His kindness, honesty, and dedication are commendable.”

For the high school, Powerful Pau was nominated by Katie Jenson.

“Powerful Pau is an outstanding ninth grade student who exemplifies hard work, kindness, and respect. His dedication to his academics is evident in his consistent effort and conscientiousness,” Jenson said. “He is respectful, polite and treats others with kindness and patience. Powerful comes to class every day with a positive attitude, a good work ethic and a desire to learn.”

Rachel Dove awarded Ahnya Schlenner the spotlight recognition for the Area Learning Center.

“Ahnya demonstrates excellent time management skills, hard work ethic and self-advocacy. She is continually on track or ahead in all her classes, she reaches out to her teachers when she needs additional help and utilizes educational resources in the community,” Dove said. “Ahnya’s work ethic and resiliency shown through the online program makes her a perfect student for recognition.”

The students were each handed a certificate of achievement. The school board will continue to hold a Tiger Spotlight session once a month for the remainder of the school year.

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