
Crime for March 21

MARSHALL — A New Brighton girl, 17, was cited for speeding at 12:31 a.m. Thursday at the intersection of East College Drive and Tiger Drive, Marshall Police said.

LYND — A Lake Wilson man, 31, was cited for driving after revocation in a traffic stop at 9:28 p.m. Wednesday at the intersection of 220th Street and Minnesota Highway 23, the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office said.

RUSSELL — A report is pending on a family matter at 7:45 p.m. Wednesday on the 100 block of North Second Street, the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office said.

MARSHALL — A Montevideo man, 36, was cited for driving after revocation in a traffic stop at 3:19 p.m. Wednesday at the intersection of Ontario Road and North U.S. Highway 59, Marshall Police said.

TRACY — A civil matter was reported at 2:10 p.m. Wednesday on the 600 block of Third Street, Tracy Police said. No further information was available.

MARSHALL — A Marshall man, 35, was cited for a hands-free device violation at 2:01 p.m. Wednesday at the intersection of South Bruce Street and Charles Avenue, Marshall Police said.


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