MARSHALL — Bids for a resurfacing project on several Marshall streets came in more than $100,000 lower than estimated, Marshall city staff said this week. But Marshall City Council members were still left with the question of whether to take advantage of the favorable bid by adding more ...
A Tyler area farmer will be taking on a new role with a program that provides people in developing countries with resources and education to grow agribusinesses.
Last week, the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council announced that Council director Joel Schreurs was elected to ...
WESTBROOK — It took her a couple months of work, and help from friends. But Westbrook Walnut Grove High School student Gao Vang has turned recycling into an art form.
Vang, a 10th grade student at WWG, completed an artwork using over 1,000 recycled bottle caps and pop tabs. Vang said the ...
MARSHALL — This week, the Marshall City Council approved a new license for a taxicab operator in the city. Council agenda materials said a former driver for Southwest Minnesota Taxi had applied for a license after Southwest Minnesota Taxi ceased operations.
The taxi license was included ...
MARSHALL — Over the past few years, Marshall Mayor Bob Byrnes has been vocal about the city’s growing population. Marshall’s latest population estimate of 13,906 was one of the key demographic indicators Byrnes spoke about at this year’s State of the City address.
Having a growing and ...
MARSHALL — Part of West Marshall Street will be closed Friday, while the Marshall street department continues tree maintenance work.
The city of Marshall announced that West Marshall Street between North Fifth Street and North Sixth Street will be closed to traffic from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 ...