
Time for Hillary Clinton to fade away

To the editor:

Just about the time you would think we have finally heard the last of a true narcissist, the media is bringing back Hillary hawking her latest book. She has published even more memoirs than Obama; another author who can’t say enough about himself.

Hillary is the ultimate fraud/liar starting with the deaths of four diplomats in Beghazi , and then her undermining two elections; 2016 and 2020 with phony Russian collusion and other outright lies. Probably the most egregious was her destruction of over 30,000 subpoenaed emails and cells phones ordered by the U.S. congress. If justice was truly administered she would be doing hard time; preferably dumped in the jails in which the Jan. 6 protesters have been held — some yet without a court date.

For future reference Hillary should take the advice of Gen. Douglas McMarthur who said; ” Old soldiers never die, they just fade away”. Hillary does not need to die, just fade away.

— Dan Markell


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