
Walz not a moderate

To the editor:

The movie “Reagan” is currently showing at the Marshall 6 Theater. My wife and I saw it Sunday,

and we both thought it was excellent. When I read Jim Muchlinski’s recent opinion piece praising Governor Walz as a moderate, I immediately thought of President Reagan. Had Ronald Reagan read Jim’s words, I can see him tilting his head, smiling and once again saying,

“The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant, they just know so much that isn’t so.”

Tim Walz has proven to the world that he is not a leader or a moderate Democrat. Early in his first term as our Governor, Walz clearly showed his lack of leadership when he froze like a deer in the headlights. For 4-days, Governor Walz, under the pressure of the George Floyd calamity, failed to stop the burning, looting, and rioting in Minneapolis. For 4-days!

The Minnesota Democrats, who elected Walz, do not care that their tax and spend governor is nationally regarded as a Marxist! They know Capitalism is superior to Socialism, but they do not care. More and more Minnesota Democrats are embracing creeping socialism. These good people seem to want Minnesota dependent on endless government programs.

I agree with Mr. Muchlinski that because Tim Walz was selected by VP President Harris to be her running mate, Minnesota is now in the national spotlight. Walz’s failure to lead during the 2020 burning of Minneapolis, and his dishonesty about his military record, has brought Minnesota anything but positive attention.

Jim mentioned in his comments that Minnesota was the only state that did not vote for Ronald Reagan in 1982. Unfortunately, that fact tells us all we need to know about how Minnesota Democrats have been thinking and voting for the last 50 years.

John Coulter


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