
Difficult election for voters

To the editor:

“How many voters will sit out this election because of a one issue point of view that is not perfectly aligned with what they want?”

This question was the topic of a recent Public Forum article headed, “Don’t let single issues prevent unity.” The writer recognizes that some voters are finding it difficult to vote for either presidential candidate this election year.

My conscience asks, “Is it our goal, as Americans, to be the greatest country in the world? The grandest tiger in the jungle? “ In the past, it was customary for families to use the day of rest God gave us to thank him for his blessings, to worship him and hear his saving word.

Today parents and children find themselves using this day for sports competitions. God has blessed America. Let us look to him when considering how to live our lives. and what is most important.

Trudy Madetzke


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