Response to scientific data
To the editor:
The author of ‘What is source of scientific data?’ (Oct. 19) letter wants sources regarding my Oct. 15 letter. Here it is:
10,000 connectors (synapses) — Brain Facts .org Nov. 18, 2020
2000 specialized molecular machines. – Science Advances Feb. 19, 2020.
10 million factories (ribosomes) –AAAS Science, 21 Jun 2017.
86 billion neuron cells– Science Nov. 3, 2022
109,000 miles of wiring — Journal of Comparative Neurology. Wiley-Liss, Inc. May 30, 2003.
The National Institute of Health ‘ENCODE’ research project has been influencing researchers such as ‘ncDNA’ scientist John Mattick and ECODE lead researcher Ewan Birney to surmise there may be less than 1% ‘junk DNA’ in the human genome and that its probably heading toward zero.
Molecular biologist and anti-creationist Dan Graur stated: “If the human genome is indeed devoid of junk DNA as implied by the ENCODE project, then a long, undirected evolutionary process cannot explain the human genome. If ENCODE is right, evolution is wrong”.
‘Genetic entropy’ states the accumulation of harmful mutations will eventually lead us to extinction. You can’t evolve molecules into higher levels of complexity through beneficial mutations if at the same time harmful mutations are dragging things down towards extinction.
Anti-creationist Larry Moran stated: “If the deleterious mutation rate is too high, the species will go extinct…. It should be no more than 1or 2 deleterious mutations per generation.
However, work done by Paul Gibson, J. Sanford and some others say we might already be at a ‘constant accumulation rate of 4.5 mutations per individual per generation.’ It seems like evolution is traveling in reverse and therefore should be called ‘Devolution’
Evolution is fake science and needs to be deleted from ‘Minnesota K-12 Academic Standards in Science’ benchmark 9L., and from National Academy of Sciences ‘A Framework for K-12 Science Education LS4.A’.
May education focus on: “Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things and the God of peace will be with you”
Phil Drietz