Removing DEI policies is not the answer
To the editor:
In response to Feb. 6 letter DEI policies not American Feb. 6: DEI stands for diversity, equity and inclusion. It is a framework that seeks to promote the fair treatment and full participation for all people. DEI includes people of different ages, races, ethnicities, abilities, disabilities, genders, religion, cultures and sexual orientation. It does not mean as you stated, “favoring those who have a certain skin color or lifestyle.”
Our country is built on diversity. We are all different and bring a lot to the table when it comes to the United States of America. All should receive equity when it comes to what they need. Equity does not mean equal, as we all don’t need the same help. Inclusion means we should all be able to be included in the world in which we live. A special needs person is going to need more than many, but it is their right to get the care they need.
Removing diversity, equity and inclusion is not the answer to making sure as you say “we hire good people based on merit.” We should hire the most qualified people for any given position. But, “being a dwarf, amputee, transgender or non-white,” as stated by our President, should not disqualify someone from being hired for any job if they have the aptitude, experience, and/or appropriate training, even an air traffic controller.
John 13:34 I give you a new commandment: Love one another, such as my love has been for you, so must your love be for each other.
Sheryl Kaiser
— Sheryl Kaiser is an amputee