Uproar over demanding accountability
To the editor:
Have you ever considered what one trillion dollars might look like? It would be a stack of $100 bills that would cover a football field…end zone to end zone….to a depth of almost 8 feet high. When I graduated from High School in 1965 the Federal debt was $317 billion dollars. $100 bills stacked on 4x4x4 foot pallets would be a little over 39 and a half pallets. We have allowed our representatives and senators in those 60 years to increase the Federal debt to near or over 36 trillion dollars.
Should we blame our elected officials? Of course we should. But we also must accept an equal amount of the blame for those that we elect to spend our money. It is like we gave them permission to steal from us. And yet we dare to call these elected officials thieves? We encouraged them by saying “somebody should do something” for every situation that arises…and so…they do something. They increase taxes, write legislation, create programs, hire bureaucrats to regulate us, direct us and impose fees and fines on us, we the people.
The majority of what problems and issues we are currently facing are creations of the government that we encouraged and allowed our elected officials to create. It is no wonder we are where we are.
After waking up and actually doing something about it, what happened? Many of the people we elected and the bureaucracies they created, accuse “us” of being radicals for demanding accountability. Who would have thought that wanting to know how our money is being spent would create such an uproar?
Roger Baumann