Rather watch Gunsmoke than DODGE fiasco
To the editor:
The current political climate has prompted some interesting letters to the editor in a number of papers in the area, and I am pleasantly surprised to see some individuals involved in voicing their opinions, many of whom have confided in me their beliefs in the past, but were reluctant to speak up for fear of hurting someone else’s feelings or contradicting what they thought was right.
Our current DOGE issue is an interesting one indeed, since no one in their right mind wants to condone government waste and corruption. Now the problem; “Who’s going to define corruption, and whose value system is going to put a finger on the scale to spin some of these things to become so ludicrous that even a Trumpster can’t believe them?”
There are perfectly loyal, capable employees being put out to pasture every day over some crazy deep state ideas about which these gestapo police continue to generate ire. In the end, they are accomplishing little more than tying up our court systems for perpetuity with “he said, she said” crap, and demonstrating the essence of hyperbole where their claims are concerned.
Meanwhile, I will reiterate my question for my own elected officials regarding government waste. The Jan. 6 lovefest at the capital four years ago caused about three million dollars in damage. To this point in time we have collected around fifteen percent of this from those who admitted to causing it. How about checking into how this is coming
The entire fiasco which our FOTUS (Felon of the United States) recently referred to as “great television” is not that at all, not even close. My time is much better spent in watching “Gunsmoke” reruns.
Dennis Phelps