On the Porch
The social news or gossip columns in the old newspapers are always fascinating to read. A special section in the newspaper was devoted to the social media of the day. The whereabouts of local people and events were often featured in these columns. Here are a few from The News Messenger of Lyon County on Nov. 5, 1909:
The eighth grade of the schools held a pleasant Halloween party Saturday evening at the school house, and Misses Scribner and Brugger entertained their classes at Baldwin’s Hall.
Those attending the Degree of Honor district convention at Tracy Monday were Mesdames Marshall, Middleton, Bessonson, Thomas, Anderson, and Thornson. They report a very pleasant and profitable convention.
The new management of the Lyric Theatre promise to keep up the high standard of performances that has won success for the previous management. Their advertisement in another column presents excellent attractions for to-night and Saturday. Mr. E.B. Dixon is the new proprietor.
The Silver Jubilee of the Church of the Holy Redeemer will be held on Thanksgiving Day, when it is proposed to properly observe the 25th anniversary of the building of the Marshall church. Baldwin’s Hall will be occupied all day, and a fine dinner will be served at noon. In the afternoon the ladies will hold a church fair, and supper will be served early in the evening. The evening will be devoted to a social reunion of the people of the church and the citizens of Marshall, interspersed with addresses, music, etc. A complete program will be announced later.
Holt’s orchestra gave another of their pleasant dancing parties on Thursday evening.
Master Ralph Allum gave a pretty little masquerade party to his young friends on Saturday evening, and celebrated Halloween in a sane manner.
Miss Minnie Schneider entertained the San Souci club on Tuesday evening, when Mrs. Ward Taylor and little daughter and Miss Birch were visitors. Miss Flora Wetherbee will entertain the club next week, at the apartments of Mrs. Wimer.
Work on the new Marshall State Bank has progressed far enough to give an idea of the beauty of the front that is being constructed of white enameled brick. The plate glass window will be the largest in the city and afford a fine view of the interior of the bank. The interior finish and furniture will be in keeping with the fine exterior.
The photograph featured this week from the Lyon County Museum’s collection is a postcard photograph of 3rd Street in Marshall taken in the 1920s. The photographer is standing by West Lyon Street and looking down 3rd Street toward Main Street. At the center is the Marshall State Bank, which later became Western State Bank. Today, the Gambler is in that location.
The next monthly veterans coffee at the Lyon County Museum is Tuesday, Nov.7 at 1:30 p.m. The monthly coffee is open to all veterans. Enjoy coffee, water, juice, and treats while visiting with fellow veterans in the ice cream shop at the museum. The Lyon County Historical Society (LCHS) is a nonprofit, member-supported organization. LCHS operates the Lyon County Museum at 301 W Lyon St in Marshall. The Lyon County Museum is open year-round to visitors. To contact us, visit our website: www.lyoncomuseum.org, call: 507-537-6580, email: director@lyoncomuseum.org, or on our Facebook page.