
On the Porch

The following article was published in the Lyon County News on Jan. 6, 1882:

We have this week published, for distribution to our subscribers the LYON COUNTY NEWS ALMANAC, an elegant little book of forty pages with a brilliant illuminated cover, altogether with the most attractive ever issued in the Northwest. In addition to the beautiful calendar pages, with new and original designs, there is a profusion of tasteful illustrations by some of the leading American artists, genuine gems in pictures, many of them full page, with choice reading matter and statistics.

We send the Almanac free, to every subscriber of the NEWS, and should any one entitled to the Almanac, fail to receive it, if they will notify us by postal card, we will supply the deficiency.

We trust this little Annual, which has been prepared for our readers at no light expense, will be welcome to the homes where the NEWS is a regular visitor, and afford a pleasing addition to the ordinary contributions in our columns.

The Almanac is not for sale, being issued solely for the NEWS subscribers; any of these can obtain extra copies, to a limited number, at twenty-five cents each.

The photograph featured this week from the Lyon County Museum’s collection shows the cover of The Lyon County News Illustrated 1882 Almanac. This almanac was donated to the museum in 1995 by Ray Baldwin Jr.

Happy New Year from the Lyon County Historical Society Museum! I want to thank all our volunteers, members, donors, and visitors for the great year we had at LCHS. First of all, our volunteers contributed many hours at the museum. Second, the generosity of our members and donors who contributed towards our exhibits, preservation materials, and programs at the museum. Also, we received many great photographs, artifacts, and documents related to Lyon County history donated to LCHS this year. Finally, I want to thank all our visitors, school groups, and organizations who visited the museum this year.

The Lyon County Historical Society (LCHS) is a nonprofit, member-supported organization. LCHS operates the Lyon County Museum at 301 West Lyon Street in Marshall. The Lyon County Museum is open year-round to visitors. To contact us, visit our website: www.lyoncomuseum.org, call: 507-537-6580, email: director@lyoncomuseum.org, or on our Facebook page.

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