
I have hope

It’s a new year, and of course, that means it’s time for a New Year’s Resolution.

Yes, we all know what happens to many of our, offered with good intentions, New Year’s resolutions. They begin, wither and perish. However, wouldn’t it be nice to have a wish come to fulfillment? To be conceived, to be nourished, to grow and to become a life long reality? How do we accomplish this type of learning?

Let’s start with hope.

Allow me to present some hopes of mine.

I hope for peace. Whether that takes place in one’s family, one’s community, one’s nation or the world, let there be peace.

I hope for increased faith and understanding of each other. That we all strive to do ethical and moral acts of goodness in all aspects of our daily lives.

I hope for community. Within that search for community, one will find a sense of common good. That means really seeing, understanding and serving that feeling of common goodness. We are all one.

I hope we can all recognize the humanity of each person. That means to always place the person before corporate profit or political gain. I believe we were placed here to work together.

I hope we will achieve a level of reasonable common sense that benefits everyone. Again, we are all in this game of life together. Let’s be teammates and not adversaries.

I hope we all finally reach the faith level that educates religion to walk the walk nor that just talk the talk. Let’s be action faith oriented. Faith pontification is nothing without the foundation of the Beatitudes.

I hope we can strive together and reach the point that allows everyone adequate medical service without causing personal financial devastation. Health care is a communal urgency that shouldn’t be sacrificed on the altar of a few people’s financial gain.

I hope we can openly welcome everyone within the family of humankind. In some way, we are all related and unified so let’s reach out to those in need and to each other. Let’s not forget that many prophets have directed us to reach out to the strangers amongst us.

I hope we finally and fully honor the earth. It’s our home. We are here to honor the usage of it and not abuse it. Whoever thought it a good idea to burn down your own house?

I hope we can rise to what will serve us and not decline to what will destroy us — hate, narcissism, egotism, bigotry and a lack of appreciation for each other.

I hope we work together to achieve the inherent goodness that’s within each of us.

I hope — you had to know this was coming — that I will have many more opportunities to raise a glass of a new wine, beer or spirit.

I have hope. Please join me!

As always, eat and drink in moderation but laugh with reckless abandon!


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