
On the Porch

Since their founding, communities in Lyon County have shown their civic pride through progress reports, parades, schools, sports, infrastructure, and so forth. Several historic resources show that city leaders and business leaders in Lyon County boosted their community’s progress frequently. In the Dec. 30, 1910, edition of the Marshall News-Messenger, several businessmen commented on the progress Marshall and their businesses made in the past year. They also commented on what they would like to see for their businesses and for Marshall in the new year. Below are a few of the comments that were printed:

“W.C. Haney — There has been more outside trade come to Marshall this year than at any time since I have been in business. Last Friday and Saturday the morning trains brought people from south and west of us, and at noon from Milroy and Wabasso and farmers living on the short line, and automobiles came down from Minneota and in from the country to the north. My business greatly increased, and I look for still better conditions the coming year.”

“Spurgeon Odell — The summer of 1910 has witnessed a substantial advance in land values in the vicinity of Marshall, $10 per acre at least, and the coming season will experience a sharp advance.”

“George Lowe — How’s business? Why, the firm of Olson and Lowe have had the best year since they were in business in Marshall. Collections are in better shape than for years, which I consider is a criterion for still better conditions in the future. But we are not satisfied. Marshall is just awakening, and by a concerted effort of the business men she will be one of the best towns in the state.”

“Theo M. Thomas — Yes, business was never better. Let us have a good hotel and opera house, but not by bonding the city for it. The present bonds already make taxes so high that rents are somewhat excessive. We also need a soft water system. I believe in Marshall’s future and that we are going to be a bigger and better little city.”

“Dr. Gray — But say, my experience of late in coming to Marshall often over the short line from Sleepy Eye, leads me to believe the business men might greatly profit by securing a longer stay of the noon train, which now arrives about noon, and is scheduled to leave at 2:25, but seldom leaves till after three o’clock. If a three or three thirty schedule could be arranged it would draw much more trade from towns along that line. People there tell me they would come to Marshall to trade if they had more time. Better look into this matter.”

The photograph featured this week from the Lyon County Museum’s collection is shows a block of Main Street in Marshall, circa 1910. The photograph shows members of the D.F. Markham Post 7 of the Grand Army of the Republic (Civil War veterans) walking on the street. The photograph was most likely taken on Memorial Day. The photograph shows buildings from the corner of 3rd and Main streets (Columbia Imports today) to the First National Bank building (before the exterior was remodeled in 1917. Hunan Lion is located there today).

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