
On the Porch

For this column, I often share social news or the gossip columns from the old newspapers. The social news is always fascinating to read and a lot can be learned of local people and events from the communities in Lyon County. For this article, I’m going to share the classifieds from one of the newspapers. The classifieds are interesting to read as well. Here are a few from the News-Messenger of Lyon County on Feb. 28, 1919:

FOR SALE — A few choice registered Aberdeen Angus heifers. G.H. Riddell, Balaton, Minn.

MRS. MILDRED TAYLOR will fit your eyes with the proper lens. Proper adjustments as they are needed. At the Jay J. Molter jewelry store.

SEWING WANTED — By experienced dressmaker. Mrs. Alfred Hebert, 425 N. Sixth St., Marshall.

FOR SALE — Duroc Boar Pigs, Giant Invincible breeding. Also one 18 mo. old Invincible boar. D.E. Brunskill, Russell, Minn.

GIRLS WANTED — Pastry Cook and Waitresses. Good wages and steady employment. Hotel Atlantic, Marshall.

DOG LOST — Black and white pointer. For reward return to Bert Kelson, Marshall.

FOR SALE CHEAP — A $90 C.G. Conn cornet, nearly new. Inquire C.O. Middleton. Phone 443.

OLD FLOORS MADE NEW and smooth with my electric sanding machine. Also first class painting and papering. Phone 381. Prices right and all work guaranteed. Otto A. Klein, Marshall.

LET MILLER BROTHERS figure your painting and decorating; also paperhanging and hardwood finishing. 2 phones; Frank Miller 393, Lester Miller 227, Marshall, Minn.

FOR SALE — Five room cottage. Inquire of Albert or William Mellenthin.

FREE SEWING MACHINE — The smoothest running machine on the market and right in price. At Rubertus & Son, Furniture Store, Marshall.

SOFT WATER – by the tank delivered to all parts of city. Also baled hay for sale. Phone 102. Hugo Litchenberg.

THE NEW EDISON is the only instrument that Re-creates the human voice. See A.J. Gag for a demonstration.

The photograph featured this week from the Lyon County Museum’s collection is an interior photograph of Gag’s Drug Store. A.J. Gag opened the City Drug Store in Marshall in the early 1900s. The store was originally located next to the First National Bank building (where Hunan Lion is currently). The store later moved across the street to where La Mexicana/Duenas is currently next to the Gambler. The drug store became a Rexall drug store and was operated by A.J. and then his sons, Willard and Howard. Curt Sorum owned Gag’s Drug Store from 1967-1991.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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