
Community Voices

Smoke free bars reflect changes in the public mindset

If you’re considering how much society has changed in the past few years, one of the things to talk about is smoke free bars. I remember when smoke in bars used to hover around the ceiling in a dense haze. I remember when many people didn’t want to wear their nicest clothes into bars ...

Trump chaos changing our country

I remember as a kid hoping that between chores and supper, I could watch Walter Cronkite give the news on our black and white television. Yeah, I was a geek. I’ve been a news junkie ever since. I get that not everyone is so obsessed. If you have kids at home, maybe working two jobs, you ...

Factors contributing to successful marriage

Over the years I have seen both good and bad marriages. What follows is a psychologist’s opinion as to a few of the factors that contribute to a successful, mutually satisfying, healthy marriage. There certainly are more factors that could be listed here, but what follows are a few that have ...

Heart Month awareness: You may not realize your risk

Heart disease has been the number 1 killer in America for a century. Nearly half of all people have some type of cardiovascular disease, yet 38% don’t even realize they have it, according to the American Heart Association. That makes American Heart Month each February an important time of ...

Water softener blues

One of the first things my wife and I did when we moved into our farmhouse more than four decades ago was dig a well. Our house, which was built by my grandparents in the early 1960s, drew its water from a cistern. This was good and bad. It was good because the cistern was supplied by ...