
Community Voices

Sleep and memory

Just about everyone has heard the phrase ‘sleep on it’. Sleep is important in many ways. What follows is one of those very important ways. Sleep is incredibly important for memory and learning. Think about the immense amount of information that we acquire over a lifetime, or even in a ...

The winter of Sam

The Facebook photo caption read something like: “You think we’re having a winter? This is what a real winter looks like! Photo was taken in 1979.” The picture was of a bulldozer trying to clear snow from some railroad tracks. I say “trying” because the situation looked hopeless. ...

Food can bring together neighbors and communities

I attended an interesting event this month at Marshall’s Adult Community Center, an event that showed the connections between food and fellowship. We learned how to make spring rolls and then tasted them. Our guide in the process was Bee Chomprasob from the Public Health Department of ...

A few winter highlights at Marshall Public Schools

January is flying by with lots of activity at all our sites as we wrap up the first half of the school year and now start the second half. Our classrooms are busy with mid-year progress checks, intervention updates, Professional Development, and of course working through our standards. Our ...

Sleepy Eye’s connection to the man who pitched the perfect game

Don Larsen’s perfect game for the New York Yankees in the 1956 World Series is one of the most memorable moments in baseball history. Seventy years later, it remains a signature moment in sports. In an iconic photo from that October day at Yankee Stadium, Larsen is seen leaping into the ...

Traveling — what can go wrong?

Slang tries to make language more efficient. Tickets become “tix.” Pictures become “pics.” Recently we took a “vacay.” That’s vacation for you less cool people. We met our two daughters and attached others for a week of running around Charleston, South Carolina, and Savanah, ...