
Local Columns

Commercials of the past; a sample of the best and most clever

I remember the days when many people had favorite radio and television commercials, ones that went the extra mile for being clever and entertaining. Maybe it’s a reflection of my age, but current commercials don’t seem to measure up to the best of the past. When they try to be funny, they ...

Walz’s nursing home cuts leave most vulnerable behind

Minnesotans take pride in caring for our most vulnerable — our seniors, veterans, and children. But now, Gov. Tim Walz is slashing funding for long-term care facilities across the state, putting thousands of seniors at risk. Over the next four years, these cuts will devastate rural ...

A time to weep, a time to laugh

We live most of our lives at a steady pace. Do this, do the next thing, rest, do another thing. Then along comes an emotion. Emotions fill us at heightened moments. Emotions range from abject despair to soaring joy. I don’t know why, but as I get older, I enjoy emotions more, even flecks ...

City looking to reinvest funds for Liberty Park and the Bandshell

Development of bandshells in park and open spaces became an important element of American life during the earliest twentieth century. In those years, nearly every small town had a bandshell in which its community band played. Today, it is estimated that just over 30 communities in Minnesota ...

Ask a Trooper

Question: The other day I was going down the freeway and I saw a vehicle that must’ve missed their exit as they were backing up near an exit ramp. This didn’t appear safe and I’m going to guess illegal. What do you say sir? Answer: Backing up is not allowed on freeways or expressways, ...

The same old, same old

Would you agree that life seems a bit repetitious? While growing up, your life was probably somewhat like mine. I was awakened, got up, ate breakfast, played in the yard, ate another meal, maybe a little nap, then played some more, ate another meal and fell asleep. As the years piled on, ...