
Local Columns

A second act: Financial benefits of working in retirement

Retirement for many marks the end of a career and a transition into a work-free life, but that does not mean you have to stop working completely. Many retirees find satisfaction and comfort in transitioning from a main career to a second act that may require less time. If you are on the fence ...

Recognizing red flags of teen dating violence

Teen dating violence has become more recognized and there is a nationwide initiative to increase awareness and education about the dangers of teen dating abuse. In 2006 the first National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Week was held. Since then, the month of February has been recognized ...

President’s Day: A time to reflect on national leadership

Monday will be Presidents Day, an ideal time to think about our perspective on the nation’s highest office. I’ve seen a big change in my lifetime in regard to how people view the presidency. When I was growing up, I had a book with biographies of all the Presidents. I memorized their ...

The Vietnam War – Karl Porisch – A Marine Corps officer candidate

We have been learning about Jackson’s Karl Porisch, who graduated with the Jackson High class of 1963 and earned an associate’s degree in from Waldorf College in Iowa before continuing studies in Biology at Mankato State. He learned there about the possibility of Marine Corps flight ...

On the Porch

Since their founding, communities in Lyon County have shown their civic pride through progress reports, parades, schools, sports, infrastructure, and so forth. Several historic resources show that city leaders and business leaders in Lyon County boosted their community’s progress frequently. ...

Ask a Trooper

Question: I was just talking with someone the other day and they were telling me they had their driver’s license suspended for too many speeding tickets. They also mentioned other ways a person can have their license suspended that I was not aware about. Can you write about that? Answer: ...